Get plenty of rest, but move around during the day too.
Stay hydrated with carbonated non-caffeinated beverages, sports drinks, and water.
Use ginger or peppermint tea/candy
Try to eat small snacks/meals throughout the day to keep something solid in your stomach. Keep some easy snacks at your bedside stand to get something in your stomach before you arise.
Eat foods that appeal to you-using good judgment of course. Bland foods are often best, rather than spicy or fatty.
Take your prenatal vitamin at a time of day when you feel good, and with a larger meal. Gummy prenatal vitamins are often easier on your stomach than pills.
Try anti-nausea wrist bands
Some feel relief from anti-nausea medication prescribed by their doctor.
Some doctors will advise taking Vitamin B6. Always consult your doctor first.
Morning sickness is a side effect that you may not find much relief from until it goes away naturally. In those cases, take one day at a time, and know that your precious bundle will be worth it all!