Parenting Support

Parenting Support

You may not feel ready to parent, or maybe you’re second-guessing your decision. You are not alone in your pregnancy journey and we are here to walk with you. Learn the resources available to you, and get questions answered. If you decide to parent, we offer free pregnancy and parenting classes, and material support. You are stronger than you think!

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Is Adoption For Me?

Is Adoption For Me?

Sometimes, the best pregnancy decision is not clear or easy. If you are considering adoption, we can help you find clarity.

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Safe Haven Baby Box

Safe Haven Baby Box

Sometimes, life is really hard. Safe Haven Baby Boxes are a last resort option for women who feel they can’t take care of their baby, but want to be completely anonymous. surrender options in ohio Parents can surrender their non-harmed child with “no shame, no blame, no names”. In Ohio, parents can hand off their

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Considering Abortion?

Considering Abortion?

Some feel that abortion is their only choice in an unexpected pregnancy. Some feel the need to get an abortion quickly to get rid of the crisis. If you find yourself considering an abortion, you may not know that your first step needs to be a confirmation ultrasound. There are several reasons. Abortion is a serious, life-altering event, and is not simply “a way out”. It will end the life of your child.

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