What a Pregnancy Test Can and Can’t Tell You

A positive pregnancy test can cause a flood of emotions. Pregnancy tests were created to detect HCG- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. HCG is present when you become pregnant. It is a hormone produced by the placenta to help your uterus (or womb) become thicker to handle the pregnancy. It also tells your body to stop menstruating.

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Christmas When Funds are Low

It’s that season of year again, and it’s supposed to be merry, bright, and joyful. But sometimes it’s not when you simply don’t have money. Especially if you have children who are counting on a “Merry Christmas”. Sometimes we have to change our expectations and create a new normal. This year, we’ve seen almost everything

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Getting out of Crisis-Mode Thinking

What do you do when you find yourself panicking because of a real or perceived crisis? Your emotions are welling up inside you, and panic floods you. You go into “Fight or Flight Mode”. These emotions make us feel that we have to act immediately to get out of the crisis. Our body is focused

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The Miracle Within

From conception, each life goes through many miracles each day. On the day of conception, all the genetic information for your child is contained in the newly created life. About 5 weeks after your last period, the heart begins to beat. Some researchers believe that baby’s heart may start beating even before this! https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2016-10-11-first-our-three-billion-heartbeats-sooner-we-thought At

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Avoiding Shaken Baby Syndrome- You Need a Plan

Have you ever heard of the dangers of shaking babies? Hopefully you have. But why is it so important? Babies are incredibly cute and sweet. They are a wonderful blessing to parents and family. Yet, many parents can recall at least one time when they had to deal with an inconsolable baby. Some loving parents

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Handling Stress

Have you ever had a glass of wine after a stressful day, and found yourself anxious again after the wine wore off? This is because the wine did not help you manage your pressures. It simply numbed you for a small time. We all experience stress. We all have different ways of dealing with it.

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I’m Pregnant. What Lifestyle Changes Should I Make?

First of all, congratulations! If you’re pregnant, you may need to make some lifestyle changes. Here are a few measures to take to give your baby the best chance at good health! As always, follow your doctor’s advice first and foremost. Take your prenatal vitamins. This is especially important before and in the beginning stages

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